That was a wonderful final council I must say,
I’m using proper punctuation here for you Deighton, so if there is a mistake I sincerely apologize, Sir Lord of punctuation + grammar. I did it for you.
Like, I know I’m not getting your vote Deighton, I told you I don’t want it already, but I at least want you to know something. Our hatred for each other stared back when people thought you had the idol. I didn’t just make up in my head “hey Deighton has the idol, and he’s such a threat we should vote him off.” thing. Other people told me that. I even read a chat transcript even for proof because I was skeptical. I jumped on board cause wtf did I know to do? No one talked to me but Conny , Zoe and occasionally Chelsea.
When I heard that news.... for me it was easy to jump on board and stuff, that whole JP drama had just happened so I was just looking for safety any which way. I do not want to you think that I was the one to start the who Deighton Hunt. I was low on the totem poll, no one would believe me or even really let me speak if I started that.
You have hated me since then, and I in turn hate you because you trash me every second you get, all smarty pants + Deightonlike, and you say that I'm sucha bad guy? When you continuosly mock me. You have a similar self-righteous attitude as Tom and its unattractive. You are no better than anyone esle man, stop trying to convince yourself that you are. Deighton, you’re a bad guy too dude. I just wanted to clarify. We’re guilty of the same crime.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! Those are 7
“thank yous” are for each one of my immunity wins that Tom demanded from me. I thank you all for them.
This 6th
“thank you” if you my
“buddy” Tom, thank you for even wanting to work with me that one time, you’re like soooo great.
And the 7th
“thank you” is for anyone of you “less fighsty” jury members who feels they need a thank you. It’s on the house.
To the rest of the jury, Donna, Sammy, Conny, Zoe, Jacob, JP, Matt…
To some of you, I may have had a part in voting out and whatever feelings came from that, I am truly sorry. If they way I speak offended you, and I made a remark about you that hurt your feelings. For that I am sorry too…seriously. I know I have a mouth, like, I talk on impulse sometimes, but what I say…I do say with a point, and I mean it. If I called you a bitch, I’m sorry I tended to call everyone who couldn’t see what I was seeing, a “bitch.” I hope by that you see that it was nothing personal. It was just at that moment I felt like calling you a bitch because to me, you were acting bitchy. I’m sorry if we can’t be friends.
But what I really need to say is…I just read over my “some important news” post. First off I don’t think I was incredibly mean in that post. I was being truthful, seriously. It was how I felt and I wanted everyone to know instead of me IMing each of you. Basically all I said came true. Think about it…Tom acted as Richard when Richard was exiled. If Richard voted at that Council where Deighton + Donna were voted out, the two of them would have left regardless.
With that said…everything I said in the important news came true. I really don’t think I was terribly, horribly mean in that post, maybe because is where I’m from? I dunno. I feel like I told it like it was. I know it wasn’t totally smart for me to be soooo balsy and make a post like that. But when people told me Zoe was gone I snapped a bit. Once she wasn’t by my side I would be alone. I felt like I needed to step up and call people out on some things. No one liked me at that point, I saw what was going on so clearly.
Rich, Chelsea, and Tom did have “something going on” until Chelsea made a move and voted Tom off. I wasn’t lying when I said that was I? I told Sammy, Deighton, and Donna that there was a problem there. I was hated because I stated this.
The one person I really should apologize to is Chelsea for saying she had “no fucking brain” because she definitely at least developed one when we voted for Tom. But then it collapsed when she kept Richard lol.
Note, in reply to my message
Richard stated this…
I've been trying to find a way to respond to this...but I can't. It's petty, and it's full of lies. Thanks a bunch.
Please jury, I beg of you all to not vote for such a blatant liar?? He couldn’t respond to that because I was ON THE MONEY with everything he was trying to pull on the tribe, and he totally couldn’t come up with but 1 sentence.
Don’t vote for me if you see me to be to “vile”, “disgusting” and “too blatant,‘ as Tom put it. If anything cast your vote for Chelsea,
PLEASE. But I think I played the best game with the cards I was given. I worked my ass off in challenges in Dragonez and Fu Mal. I might have missed maybe 2 on Fu Mal due to circumstances but it was good because I wasn’t seen as a threat. If you choose not to vote me for challenges I sucked at on Fu Mal, so be it. When the tribes merged I went in with 1 ally, Zoe. I think I played my cards the best I could. I tried to develop alliances with Conny and anyone she was connect to, which wasn’t many lol. I won myself vital challenges which almost won Colby the title. I tired to show the merged tribe what was happening but relationships were either too think and sturdy by then, or they just didn’t believe me.
All in all I played the game, I played it hard. If you were in my shoes coming in the merge, what would YOU have done? This hasn’t been the most fun game I’ve been in because of some unfortunate situations, but it was definitely the hardest. It was hard because we started with 45 people, all the challenges and twists that could change each week, etc. You never want to merge with only 3 people!! The game is nearly impossible after that.
I wish you the best in making your decision. Everyone remember to recycle!!